Crewashore LLC Terms and Conditions for Short-term Listing Clients

The use of short-term listings offered by Crewashore LLC is governed by the terms and conditions set forth below.
These terms and conditions are specific to our short-term listings services and supplement the “Terms of Use” and
“Privacy Policy” that are common to all services provided by the Company.
By making use of this website and our services, you are indicating you agree with our terms and conditions. The
following agreement is written for the client’s advice, guidance and potential employment protection. We ask that
you accept our Terms and Conditions before the process starts, not to inconvenience you, but rather to make sure
you end up a satisfied client.

  • 1. Definitions
    Company: Crewashore LLC (known as Crewsashore), a Florida registered company.
  • Registration: The process undertaken by property owners seeking to rent out their property to submit
    their details to the company.
  • Host: The property owner who welcomes a visitor or visitors to use their property, for compensation.
  • Website: The online database, ( and
    known as Crewsashore as maintained and run by us.
  • Booking: An act of reserving accommodation or dockage in advance.
  • Validity: These terms and conditions are valid until amended by the company and can be amended at any
  • Business Day: A day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks are ordinarily open for business.
  • Listing: An act or instance of making or including your property in a list.
  • Subscriber: The persons subscribing to the System or, as the context requires, any one of them.
  • Property: A thing or things belonging to someone

2. Service Description

Crewashore LLC provides an online platform that connects hosts who have property to rent with guests seeking to
rent such properties. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any rights to reuse the content, layout and data in
any manner. Use of the website and its data is governed by these terms and conditions.

3. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

The Services offered on this website are provided “as is”, with no warranties of any kind. We will not be liable for any
damages you incur while using our Services, even if you advise us that such damages are possible, Crewashore
LLC is not a credit repair organization, or similarly regulated organization under other applicable laws, and does not
provide credit repair advice.

4. Website access

The company makes information available to candidates where they can browse available listings. You acknowledge
that you do not acquire any rights to reuse the content, layout and data in any manner. Use of the website and its
data is governed by these terms and conditions. The data presented by the company is protected under
international copyright laws.

5. Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

When you provide us with comments, suggestions, or ideas (collectively “Feedback”), such Feedback is not
considered confidential and becomes the property of Crewsashore LLC. We are not obligated to you if you provide
such Feedback. We are free to use, copy, or distribute the Feedback to others for any purpose.

6. International Use

Because you can access this website internationally, you agree to follow all local rules about the Internet, data, email,
and privacy. Specifically, you agree to follow all laws that apply to transmitting technical data exported from the
United States or the country of your residence.

7. Dispute Resolution

If a dispute arises between you and Crewashore LLC we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a

8. Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the entire risk arising out of your access
to and use of the Crewashore LLC platform remains with you.

9. Indemnification

You agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold Crewsashore LLC, its officers, employees, agents, and partners
harmless from and against any claims, all losses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees,
resulting from your violation of these Terms of Use.

10. Disclaimer

This content, except as otherwise indicated or stated on this site, is the property of Crewsashore LLC. The
information presented in this content is “as is” without warranties of any kind, and specifically is not represented to
be complete and does not constitute legal advice, and is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to
check these terms from time to time for changes, and by accessing this site you agree to these terms and all terms
listed. Consult your own counsel if you have legal questions related to your rental property practices and processes.

11. Content

All content that you post on our platform must be accurate, not infringe on any third party’s rights, and comply with
all applicable laws.

12. Booking and Financial Terms

Hosts, not Crewashore LLC, are solely responsible for honoring any confirmed bookings. If you choose to enter into
a transaction with a host, you agree to accept any terms, conditions, rules and restrictions associated with such
property imposed by the host.

13. Cancellations and Refunds

Each host has their own cancellation policy.. Crewashore LLC will process refunds based on the cancellation policy
selected by the host.

14. General Provisions

These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or
unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining

15. Jurisdiction – Choice of Law

  1. Choice of Law – The laws of the State of Florida or the general maritime law of the United States shall
    govern any dispute arising out of this agreement.
  2. Forum Selection – All disputes and suits arising out of this agreement shall be submitted to a court of
    competent jurisdiction in Broward County, FL, without prejudice to the company’s rights under the general
    law to pursue a lien in rem against the responsible, outside Broward County Florida.
  3. Consent to Jurisdiction – The contracting parties hereto agree that the forum selection clause and choice of
    law provisions also constitute a waiver of any argument or defense based on lack of personal jurisdiction.

16. Review of this Privacy Policy

We keep this privacy policy under regular review. This privacy policy was last updated in September 2023.
We may change this privacy policy from time to time and we will publish any new privacy policy on our website
when we make any substantial updates. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the
processing of your personal information.
Any questions regarding this privacy policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email
to [email protected]

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