Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale

Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale Clean and Spacious 4BR Crew House in Fort Lauderdale
Listing type: Entire House
Guests: 8
Bedrooms: 4.0
Bathrooms: 2.0
Sq. Footage: 1,585ft²

Enjoy your relaxing space away from work with a new clean home just for you and your crew. Fully equipped kitchen and smart TVs in all rooms. Cleaning included and plenty of parking! New outdoor space being created for everyone to enjoy!

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